Saturday 14 March 2015


(Reuters News Service, 14 March 2015)

A definitive study has revealed what the world has long known:  that Airedale owners are far more intelligent, better looking, more emotionally stable, and wealthier than non-Airedale owners.

The longterm longitudinal study, validated through an exhaustive procedure over two or three days (who's counting?) time, compared Airedale owners in various categories to peer groups such as weasels and any living beings that do not like bacon.

Rocks were not interviewed in the study, although a few shale deposits applied for the study (they just wanted free baloney sandwiches provided to subjects).

The results were announced by Reign McZbucki, CEO of ATBA Enterprises:  "Although everyone already knew it, our foolproof statistically solid Candy Crush iPad elimination factor drove home the point and was accepted by World UFC Scientist Brent AireSnedden, although the printed results were lost in the greasy mess of his fried liver dinner, which was smothered in bacon.  He had milk to drink before a dessert of Liv-A Snaps and bacon."

The study has been acclaimed and accepted by all intelligent good-looking wealthy people all over the world.  Also Pee-Wee Herman.

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